Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day Two

Day two is already going better. Today my goal is to not eat so much. I tend to get carried away and think, "Oh, this tastes awesome! I want to eat all of it!" I struggle with portion control. And control in general. Ugh.

Anyways, no yoga for me this morning. This is my "rest" day of the workout plan, so I'm thinking I'll do yoga later before I go to bed. Breakfast was delicious...I had a whole grain, gluten-free bagel with banana slices and a new (and delicious) spread I found at Target, Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut Butter Blend. (We bought a couple of samples.) It was pretty good...Comparable to Nutella, but not as rich or heavy-feeling. It had more of a salty taste, and thus wasn't as sweet. My only bugaboo about it is that the regular-sized jar of it is $9.99,  and I don't even like paying $4-$6 for a jar of Nutella. Here's my breakfast:

I accompanied this with a large, cold glass of water, and that's it. I feel satisfied, (not full and not still hungry), but we'll see how I last until lunch time.

I do hair, so lunch time is never a set time. It usually falls between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM, depending on if I have appointments and when they are. If it's especially busy (like is has been lately), I won't eat until dinner time.

I started getting woozy and dizzy around 11:30...Still not sure why I've been getting this way lately, but it's making me kind of nervous. I ate a white chocolate and macadamia nut Luna bar and that held me over for another hour until I got lunch, which consisted of roasted garlic, rice noodle soup and a handful of dark chocolate covered raisins. At this point in the day I had drank about a quart of water.

I snacked on handfuls of ranch crackers throughout the day (they were delicious. So delicious.), and picked up a small chocolate shake from DQ on the way home from work. I need to stop doing this before I really get addicted to them.

I'm currently making dinner...Trying out a Pinterest recipe: Hot dog spaghetti, (of course I replaced the hot dogs with gluten free veggie dogs and used organic, gluten free, brown rice pasta), with organic marinara sauce. It looks kind of weird, but I like weird so this will probably be my new way to make spaghetti.

Oh, and I plan on have a nice, big glass of Hogue Reisling (I tried this at Biaggis in Cedar Rapids on a work trip...I was more impressed with the wine than the food. The glass of wine cost me about $8 there, while I spent $8.99 on the bottle back home).

Bon appetit!

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